Impressionist Treescapes in Acrylics - Pallete Knife - 1 Day | Chris Postle Bienarté

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Impressionist Treescapes in Acrylics - Pallete Knife - 1 Day | Chris Postle

Impressionist Treescapes in Acrylics - Pallete Knife - 1 Day | Chris Postle

About this workshop

There will be no limits to your creative output with this workshop, where you will takes ideas and images from your imagination (but you are welcome to bring reference materials if you prefer!)  You will be encouraged to use your own favourite colours to create your masterpiece.

What will I learn?

Chris will lead you through demonstrations, while giving you lots of tips.  You will learn to use tools you may not have used before and this will help with your journey discovering how to create warm and vibrant treescapes.

The workshop is focused on having fun while learning skills that will broaden your horizons and help you to find your own identity when painting impressionist treescapes with acrylics.

Who is this workshop suitable for?

From anyone who would like to experiment with paint as well as people who have been painting for years but feel their work needs a fresh direction.

What do I need to bring?

  • Canvas - anything from 50cm to 1m square.  If you're an experienced painter you can go large.  The canvas does not have to be square but it should be primed (gessoed) before the class.  Pick a size you feel comfortable with.
  • Acrylic paint:  Chroma A2 brands work well but feel free to bring your own range.  You should include Titanium White (a lot), Black or Payne's Grey, Cobalt Blue, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red, Australian Blue Gum, Red Gold or Australian Sienna.  Be prepared to use colours you would not normally use!
  • A good sized palette
  • Your favourite palette knife/knives
  • A Couple of chisel brushes, from 5mm to 25mm wide
  • A longer script or scriber brush
  • One or two chopsticks
  • Willow stick charcoal
  • A couple of small paint squirt bottles (like old tomato sauce bottles - great for dispensing white paint)
  • Sea sponge/ rags/ small sponge roller
  • Masking tape
  • Water spray bottle and water container
  • You will also be encouraged to use your fingers and thumbs as tools!
  • Feel free to bring along anything else you would like to experiment with during the workshop    
  • Bring your lunch or you can purchase from the surrounding cafes and restaurants

What is Provided?

  • Standing Easels, tables and chairs
  • Large light-filled studio space
  • Tea and coffee (please bring your own cup)
  • A friendly, supportive and encouraging learning environment
  • Connection to the Bienarté art community

About the artist

Chris has been a professionally established artist for more than 30 years. 
Chris’ paintings highlight his amazing diversity and technical skills. From beautiful coastal scenes to impressionistic landscapes and delicately detailed floral and fauna.

His deep love for the ocean, environment and wildlife shines through his work! He is passionate about showing its beauty and preserving it.

Chris has won numerous awards for his art and has exhibited extensively throughout Queensland.

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.