Watercolour Impressions Plein Air | Chan Dissanayake
About this workshop
This 2 Day workshop will suit students who have been exposed to the medium of watercolour and want to extend their knowledge to the next level. We will specifically concentrate on how to inject and capture the mood of the subject.
The truly magical qualities of watercolour can best be demonstrated in portraying atmospheric effects. We will paint a variety of subjects, producing two paintings a day from start to finish; each painting will be chosen to demonstrate a certain technique or a key learning point.
There will be lots of useful discussions as well as tips on how to avoid potential pitfalls.
Who is this workshop suitable for?
If you enjoy the challenge of producing loose and bold watercolours, then this is for you.
Chan is well known for his generosity in sharing his insights and experiences in watercolour. There will be many demonstrations showing you how to create depth, incorporate figures, and connect shapes, edge control and how to exploit the medium in creating magical effects. Each student will receive personal attention and encouragement.
What do I need to bring?
Saunders Waterford 300GSM Rough Surface or Arches 300GSM rough or medium texture.
For students trying to use quarter sheets, you can use Arches 185GSM medium surface (Cold Pressed) which will be little cheaper. Chan encourages students to work in quarter sheet papers. We are planning in completing two paintings a day.
A few artist quality brushes will make a significant difference to your work.
Essential Brushes:
Medium Size squirrel hair or natural hair Mop brush ( Size 8 to 12)
Size 12 round Brush with sharp point (Synthetic or Natural hair)
Size 8 Round with sharp point (Synthetic or Natural hair) Extra Brushes (Optional)
Size 6 Dagger also known as a “Sword brush” (Natural Hair)
1'' Flat Brush (Synthetic)
2'' Hake (Natural Hair)
If you already have watercolour paint, bring what you have. If you are buying, please make sure you buy artist quality paints. Chan prefers tube paints - you can use Windsor & Newton, Daniel Smith, Art Spectrum, Daler Rowney, Rembrandt, Holbein, Schmincke.
Essentially you will need warmer and cooler of each primary colour.
Blues - Cobalt blue (Cool ), Ultramarine blue (Warm), Winsor Blue Green Shade (W&N) or Phthalo blue (in other brands) (Green Blue)
Yellows - Raw Sienna (W&N) or Yellow Ochre (Cool), Cadmium Yellow Medium (warm)
Reds - Cadmium Red Light (Warm), Permanent Rose or Alizarin crimson (cool)
Darks - Burnt Sienna, Payne’s Grey
Extra Paint (Optional)
Cerulean Blue, Turquoise blue Light, Raw Umber, White Gouache, Australian Red Gold or Quinacridone Gold Watercolour
A board with some sort of coating will be desirable as it will be saturated with water
Field Easel:
If you have a lightweight foldable easel, it would be most suitable. However, a foldable stool is also ok as you can sit and rest the watercolour board on your knees for painting.
Mixing palette:
Plastic or Metallic mixing palette with sufficient wells for mixing large washes.
Other Extras:
2B Lead Pencil or Mechanical Clutch pencil with fillable 2B Lead
Box of tissue paper
Water container
Water spray bottle - Atomizer
Masking Tape or Paper clips
Old towel or sponge to remove/control excess water
Failed or old painting so we can use their backs for rough work
Please bring your lunch and snacks or you can purchase from cafes close by. We do have a fridge and microwave at the studio for your convenience.
What is provided?
- a friendly, supportive and encouraging learning environment
- connection to the Bienarte art community
About the Tutor
Chan Dissanayake is a multi award winning watercolour artist’s living in Canberra ACT Over the last 20 years his passion has turned to watercolour. A medium that thrives in spontaneous response and free expression.
His mastery in watercolour is manifested by the vast varying subject matter that he tackles from rural landscapes, urban city scapes to coastal seascapes. In 2017, Chan received the ultimate accolade for an Australian Watercolourist when he was elected to the elite Australian Watercolour Institute. Known for his innovative approach to teaching and generosity in sharing his knowledge, Chan has gained considerable reputation as an outstanding tutor.
He conducts workshops throughout the country and leads international painting tours for Travelrite International. Currently, he teaches watercolour at the ANU (Australian National University). He has contributed many articles to leading art publications including International Artist, Australian Artist and Artists Palette.
His quick and direct approach to watercolour has earned him much success and respects both nationally and internationally.
Useful Information
<h4 id="header-about-this-workshop">About this workshop</h4>
<p>This 2 Day workshop will suit students who have been exposed to the medium of watercolour and want to extend their knowledge to the next

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