Finding your Voice – Abstraction and the Landscape | Anita West Bienarté

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Finding your Voice – Abstraction and the Landscape | Anita West

Finding your Voice – Abstraction and the Landscape | Anita West

This is a 3-Day Workshop but you must come in the night before to set up your studio area

What will I learn?

Anita will discuss concepts around finding and trusting your own voice and making art that is authentic.

Although she will give some demonstrations and tips on techniques such as experimenting with charcoal on canvas, wet/dry rags, mediums, colour, glazing and compositional ideas, her aim is to steer you towards moving through your comfort zone and reaching your potential.

You will learn:

  • How to develop more meaningful paintings that will sustain your art practice over the long term and strengthen your drive to create
  • How to push the process of painting and learn ways to find methods and styles that are unique to you
  • When to loosen up with big bold energy and to quieten down with detail
  • How to ask the big questions of your art; what, when, where how and why
  • How to avoid the pitfalls of procrastination and to find ‘flow’
  • To lean in to your art

Who is this course suitable for?

For intermediate and practicing artists who work with acrylics and who already have a range of techniques in their toolbox.

At the end of the weekend, you will not come away with finished works, but rather the beginning of something that you can use as the basis for fresh ideas in your studio.

What do I need to bring?


What is provided?

  • Easels, tabels and chairs
  • Tea and coffee (please bring your own cup)
  • A friendly, supportive and encouraging learning environment
  • Connection to the Bienarté Art Community

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Course testimonials:

  • Anita challenged us to think about & approach the landscape from multiple viewpoints outside of where we would normally work from. It is from this space new and surprising possibilities immerged helping us gain a greater depth of individual expression within our paintings . I come away from this workshop truly inspired by Anita and all of her creative knowledge and experience she shared with our group. An excellent workshop...thank you very much Anita. Kate K from Hamilton
  • This workshop was exactly as it was titled and really helped people find their voice and individual style. I came away with many ideas particularly with Anita's focus on intention and process. Anita's facilitation style was exceptional, getting students to really take the time to look at their work and think critically. I absolutely loved the whole 3 days so thankyou Anita for teaching us and thankyou Yasmin and Marcel for organising.....Lisa W from Bardon
  • The team at Bienarte made us so welcome. It was inspiring to see and connect with so many great artists. it was both a treat and a mandatory professional development session for me. Thank you. Robyn B from Carina Heights